Ep 2 - The Holy Spirit in Every Aspect of Our Lives

In this foundational episode, Ant Hodges unpacks the eight crucial areas of life where the Holy Spirit's guidance is paramount. Sharing from personal experiences and grounded in Scripture, Ant invites listeners on a journey to fully embrace the Holy Spirit's role in profession, prosperity, physicality, people, partnership, progress, play, and place.

Key Points and Scriptures:

  1. Profession:
    • Ant's testimony on seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in career decisions.
    • Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trusting in the Lord for direction and fulfillment in our professional lives.
  2. Prosperity:
    • A leap of faith in financial stewardship and experiencing God's provision.
    • Scripture: Malachi 3:10 - The challenge and promise of tithing and God's provision.
  3. Physicality:
    • Ant's personal health journey and the call to honor our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.
    • Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Encouragement to care for our physical well-being.
  4. People:
    • The challenging yet rewarding process of forgiveness and reconciliation.
    • Scripture: Colossians 3:13 - The command to forgive as we have been forgiven by Christ.
  5. Partnership:
    • The importance of prayer and seeking God in marriage and romantic relationships.
    • Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-26 - The model of Christ's love for the church applied to marriage.
  6. Progress:
    • Embracing personal development through the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    • Scripture: James 1:5 - God's promise to provide wisdom generously.
  7. Play:
    • Rediscovering hobbies and the significance of leisure as a form of worship.
    • Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 - The gift of joy and satisfaction in God's creation.
  8. Place:
    • Creating spaces that reflect God's peace and presence.
    • Scripture: Psalm 127:1 - The foundational role of the Lord in our homes and environments.

Closing Prayer:

  • A prayer inviting the Holy Spirit into every aspect of our lives, to lead with integrity, serve with love, and succeed with humility.

Take Action:

  • Encouragement to subscribe for more inspiring episodes and to share the podcast with others seeking to deepen their relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Next Episode Preview:

  • Ant hints at upcoming interviews and discussions with guests who have witnessed the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in the eight areas of life.